Sure, we all sell our shit, and about a year ago I can confess to having an odd fixation with selling said crap on Ebay - mostly old band shirts, DVDs, and unused Christmas presents. Of course, when I first started I got burned something bad when tabulating/estimating the cost of shipping, a couple times actually losing out on money (go ahead, laugh), but I've since comprehended the sinister ways of this auction giant, and now, well, even though I'm no longer selling with as much frequency/addiction, I still use its endless pages as a source of pricing information.
Two items in particular:
My 29th birthday just came and went, and I literally asked for one thing: an insanely bad-ass bronze Indian bust I came across at Todd's Farm in Ipswich/Rowley. The man who was selling it was asking for a little over $200, but I knew it had to be much more.
Low and behold, my folks handed it to me on my b-day, and upon doing a little research, I found it being sold online...on Ebay.
The second item was researched for my dad who had a vintage guitar of his cleaned and tuned up at Daddy's Junky Music a few weeks back. Although he remembers the original purchase price, he had no idea how much it costs in 2011, and although I had a guess, all we needed to do was check out...yes, Ebay.
Ebay, another preposterously helpful Internet tool.
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