It could only last for so long. My sanity, that is.
After months of putting up with post after unbearable post of the most deliriously moronic and delusional rants, I've finally decided to 'hide' a Facebook 'friend' that I kept around for the sheer pleasure of gradually making myself go insane.
This anonymous person that I will refer to as Z, is one of the rarities. After initially deleting him during my first few months on Facebook - in large part due to his absurd posts that I soon fell head over heels in love with - more than a year later, another request to be Facebook 'friends' popped into my inbox. For the sake of second chances, and considering how he is an absolutely harmless individual, I gave in - this is when the madness began.
Post after post after picture after music video of things and people that I found absolutely wretched and/or ridiculous soon began to pop up with more and more frequency. At first, I simply shook my head.
How ridiculous, I thought.
But then, over time, my soft pity melded into a white anger, and finally, eventually, into a state of acceptance and acute delirium where my confusion masked my hatred, soon allowing me to read and view these posts as something so bland, and so unremarkable, that they took on a life all their own.
Through the form of Facebook posts, Z's insipid taste and clueless and entirely deluded mind soon effected my own in a way I've yet to encounter. His posts were so stupid, so amazingly trite and beyond anything so standard as face value, that I was dumbstruck, awed by a brain so feeble and yet so confident, that not only did I second-guess my own mental stability, it wasn't long before I viewed Z as something superior to myself: a being so content in exactly what he is, so sure of himself and his posts, that I suddenly found myself seeking out and craving Z's next move.
Well, low and behold, after several months, maybe more, the curse, this mirage has finally come to a close. Why now after so many days? Why Z when I've hid so many more (112 of 313 for a 35.78 hide average) for so little?
You know, I don't have the answer. His posts were just so bafflingly good, so mind-numbingly...mind-numbing, that like any good drug, it just took me a while to kick it, and when I did, it was cold turkey all the way.
For your curiosity, here are a few of his posts, some recent, some classic:
"I enjoy walking in the rain I really do""
Paranormal activity looks better everytime they come out with a new one"
"Going to cash my check"
"Going with my sis and bro inlaw to get the new transformers on bluray and have a nice movie night"
"Just punched out of work now home for food and sleep"
"my gift of self is raped my privacy is raped"
"cashing my check then buying my cell i wont feel naked no more!!!1"
"Playing my acoustic by the fire all night"
"It kills me to watch this fade and I realize its all shurade"
"enjoying 1 of the last summer nights alone"
"Wants to go cash my check but I'm not walkin"
"Aint nobody gets between me and my girl and i mean nobody"
Sure, this may not seem bad, but when you're bombarded with crap like this every hour, it all begins to blur.
I'll miss you, Z.